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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lenten Sonnet #3

Hey peeps! I'm going to post three sonnets tonight because I won't have access to the Internet on Thursday and Friday.

Needs and Wants (3/20/10)
To live in a society of want
Requires all to suppress their deepest needs;
While those around us act so nonchalant,
We rush and scramble to gather our seeds;
Look at the glowing glamorous glory
And the flashy fame and fearless fortune
That the vain tell as part of their story
Which reveals that their journey has begun;
Toward their greatest wants they swiftly rush
And leave behind necessities of life;
Away in the water the needs will flush
While on dry land the wants will cause much strife;
What you want is not always what you need
Because in the end life is what we bleed.

Destinations (4/9/10)
I am going away for a long while,
But I did not want to leave you behind;
The last thing that you gave me was a smile,
But you will always linger in my mind.
We humans are so breakable and hurt
With the thought that we must leave from this place
And journey on a path with different dirt
To arrive at an unfamiliar face.
Why must I be volatile and fragile
Enough to choose to abandon my love?
The dreams I had once wanted to fulfill
Are left alone in a blank head above.
After we forever on the earth roam,
We will finally reach a happy home. 

New World (8/27/10)
The sky turned gray and the clouds grew yellow
While she ambled through bald and barren streets;
At the final crossroads stood a fellow
Who swiftly gathered unwanted receipts,
Purposely discarded by the Wastefuls
And left to be picked up by Survivors
Of the dreadful day. Gone were Distastefuls
Who abused and ignored faithful Drivers;
The woman approached the hard-working man
As he directed his focus to waste;
She whispered to him, “A New World began
The day of the destruction we all faced.”
Instantly enlightened, he delighted,
New possibilities he had sighted.

I hope you enjoyed those! Have a great day and live life!


I was going through papers from last semester, and I came across one of the poems I wrote in my Honors Aesthetics class. I remember that we were learning about "ekphrasis," which means (according to Wikipedia) "the graphic, often dramatic, description of a visual work of art." One of the English professors came to our class and showed us a piece of art entitled Strange You Never Knew by the artist Steve Neves (one of our Aesthetics professors). In the piece, a young woman with medium-length brown hair and head slightly tilted downward sat in a white kitchen chair. On her face was the feeling of tranquility with a pinch of underlying pain. Behind her was an open window where a warm, summer evening rested. A single streetlight stood in the background and dimly lit up a dusty road. Dr. Larry Fink, the English professor, told us to participate in ekphrastic writing in accordance with the artwork presented to us. Here's what I came up with in the ten minutes we had to write:

Strange You Never Knew
A young woman sits beside the window
With the evening sky behind her.
A streetlight brightens the road,
But does not do the same for her.
The summer heat is overpowered
By the coolness of night.
It allows a window to be opened,
A window to her soul.
But what does she think about?
Is someone on her mind?
Someone in her past she left behind?
Does a melody play inside her head
That she'll be better off instead?
Is her thought as clear as the glass,
Or does pain reside in her semi-tranquil state?
Her back against a chair,
Why does she not look the other way
To see the peace behind her?
Strange you never knew
The thoughts of a perfect stranger.

Hope you enjoyed that! Have a great day and live life!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lenten Sonnet #2

I'm posting two sonnets tonight. Both of them are inspired by fictional characters in Disney movies.

Queen of the Sea (3/12/10)
The little mermaid, what a happy soul
Who loved living her life to the fullest;
But just like Alice, she fell in a hole
And got lost in a world sent on a quest;
Then she returned to the ocean’s deep floor
And then scattered the darkness around her;
In life, she was looking for something more
Had she discovered where the wild things were?
She found the lost city of Atlantis
And made herself the queen of the lost sea;
She waited like a calm praying mantis
While the fishes were then filled with great glee;
She wondered, "Have I found a new big world,
Where all the mysteries will be unfurled?"

Brave Warrior Girl (3/20/10)
Invading the country over the wall,
They came with full force and frightening might;
To save her father she needed to stall,
So she went to war to put up a fight;
With her lucky cricket and dragon friend,
She was the only girl among the men;
Defending her people until the end
Was what made the sword stronger than the pen;
Caught impersonating a war soldier
She found herself in a numbing trouble;
Almost killed in an avalanche boulder
She survived amidst the burning rubble;
Saving her country and the emperor
Made her the bravest, we all could concur.

Hope you like these, and look forward to more! 

Have a great day and live life!

Websites to Waste Hours On: FREE TIME!!!

Now that I'm off Facebook and Twitter, I have a lot more free time to spend. And I've spent some of that free time surfing the web and finding cool sites. Of course, you can waste hundreds of hours on YouTube or StumbleUpon (or Pinterest if you're a girl...but guys are free to join), but I've found some other websites that have been worth my time.

StatusHumor is pretty darn funny. The site posts some of the funniest statuses from social networks. Here's an example of one:

"Look at your status, now back to mine, now back at yours, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn’t mine. But if you stopped posting about the other things and made this your status, yours could be like mine. Look down, back up. Where are you? You’re on Facebook, reading the status your status could be like. I’m on a computer."

WIMP is a compilation site of the best videos on the web. The best part is, the videos are suitable for ALL AGES. So you don't have to worry about NSFW (not safe for work) videos. Here's a funny vid:

I don't know why I like this site, but WISH is a bit intriguing. I don't exactly know how it works, but I think you pick the things you would like to have and you're entered into a drawing for the prize. 

The Onion is classic news satire. It's also a great way to keep up with current events.

For all you music lovers, Pandora or 8tracks is the place to go. Pandora is like Genius on iTunes. You can create "stations" that play your favorite artists/bands and music related to them. 8tracks is more of a playlist type of thing. You can create your own playlists or listen to ones that other people have made.

If you want to change it up a bit every single day, check out Cool Site of the Day

Have a great day and live life!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lenten Sonnet #1

Forget "Sonnet Saturday." I think for this Lenten season, I am going to post a sonnet on here every day. So here it goes.

My sonnet is based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 19. I'll post his sonnet here for reference:

Sonnet 19

Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws,
And make the earth devour her own sweet brood;
Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws,
And burn the long-lived phoenix in her blood;
Make glad and sorry seasons as thou fleets,
And do whate'er thou wilt, swift-footed Time,
To the wide world and all her fading sweets;
But I forbid thee one most heinous crime:
O, carve not with thy hours my love's fair brow,
Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen;
Him in thy course untainted do allow
For beauty's pattern to succeeding men.
Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,
My love shall in my verse ever live young.

Now here mine goes...

A Timely Destruction (3/9/10)

As time will take its deathly toll on life
And make the flowers shrivel in the sun,
Then will it kill with its destructive knife
And force life’s fragile thread to be undone;
While friends walk by and we depart from home,
It runs along and hurries for its nest;
The sword, it stabs as we are soft as foam,
And time delivers dark and dreary rest;
But how will I remember you and me?
Will we be given love’s untimely end?
The trap of time’s nonstop eternity,
We shall escape and time we will contend.
If time will take its charted course above,
Then we will fight with letters of our love.

Have a great day and live life!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The 84th Academy Awards...THE OSCARS!!!

The 2012 Oscars are finally here! And who is going to win?!

Here are my predictions:

BEST PICTURE: "The Artist"

BEST DIRECTOR: Michel Hazanavicius for "The Artist"

BEST ACTOR: Jean Duharjin for "The Artist"

BEST ACTRESS: Viola Davis for "The Help"

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Christopher Plummer for "Beginners"

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Octavia Spencer for "The Help"







BEST MAKEUP: "The Iron Lady"


BEST ORIGINAL SONG: "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets"

BEST VISUAL EFFECTS: "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

Good luck to all the nominees! Cheers to a good night!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sonnet Saturday & Sh*t _____ Say: Part Two

Hey people of the earth! I haven't really kept up with "Sonnet Saturday" at all because I pretty much forgot about it, but now that Lent has come around, I have more time to work on my personal blog.

I posted another "Sh*t People Say to Filipinos" video on YouTube! Here it is:

It's longer than my first video, so enjoy!

Anyways, back to "Sonnet Saturday." I wrote a sonnet last semester about Finals Week. Here it is:

Almost There (12/10/11)

High stressed emotions take complete control.
Awake until the sun begins to rise.
Connection lost between body and soul.
Where in the whole world are my clear, blue skies?
Ended a long relationship with sleep
Many years ago; regrets fill me up.
Tears from the eyes, about it I still weep.
Coffee overflows from a Starbucks cup.
Up very late, burning the midnight oil.
Snacking to stay awake, high calories.
What stinks? Milk in the fridge begins to spoil.
Energy low like teachers’ salaries.
Needing motivation, I’m almost there;
But to finish strong, I have to prepare.

Have a great weekend! If you don't celebrate the weekends like I do, have a great day!