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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sonnet Saturday

I'm going to start something new and try something called "Sonnet Saturdays." Every Saturday, I will try to post a sonnet I have written about my week. I find poetry to be quite interesting, and writing poems is challenging but enjoyable.

So, I will now post a sonnet I wrote within the past hour. Any guesses to what it's about?

Better Than I Thought (12/10/11)

Three days ago, I had pain deep inside.
Torn into pieces was my aching heart.
Emotions changing like the ocean tide
Is what I had predicted from the start.
Two days ago, I thought I had forgot
What had happened on the previous day.
But the memories surged in as I caught
Sight of her; the sting would not go away.
One day ago, I received breaking news
And, at last, saw the mark in the corner.
My eyes widened. The grade seen did bemuse
Me. I rejoiced, no longer a mourner.
I had done better than I thought I had,
So there was no reason to go quite mad.

I hope you enjoyed that! Be looking forward to next Saturday when I will be posting a new sonnet! Have a great day! Happy holidays!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's SUPER easy to be GREEN.

Welcome back to HSU all you earth lovers! And if you're new to HSU, the Greenteam would like to give you a HUGE welcome! I hope all of you had an AWESOME summer! Back in college...ready for fun...maybe not so excited about classes...but college is cool though right...?

I hope we made our mark during NSOlodeon! The Greenteam put out water stations near the dorms during move-in day JUST FOR YOU. So you should feel special. Consider it as an early birthday present for you freshmen and transfers (and everyone else) who grabbed a cup of water from our stations. PLUS we partnered with The Arborday Foundation and donated 450 trees to be planted over the course of the next year! So, you're welcome for that. Oh and we gave away these awesome windshield shade things you put in your car to keep the sun out. If you'd like one (for FREE) just send us an email of you begging for one and we'll hook you up big time!

Email us at!

Check us out on Facebook @

I was picking up my mail from the post office, and as usual, all I had were some advertisements for events around school. So I decided to recycle them in a not-so-far-away paper recycling bin placed strategically near the post office. And still, I saw people throwing away their paper mail in the trash. Friendly reminder, PLEASE RECYCLE! It's honestly not that hard to do. The earth will love you for it.

I did a recent search in "green" news and found an article about a city not too far from here: DALLAS (shoutout!). Here's the article:
CLICK HERE. Basically, the article was talking about how Dallas just became the first major city in Texas to launch carton recycling! How cool is that?! So go back to the days of elementary school and remember lunch time and how you had that small carton of milk. And just think, NOW YOU CAN RECYCLE IT!!!

Here's a statistic from the article: "In 2008, only 18 percent of U.S. households had access to carton recycling programs. Today, this number has nearly doubled to almost 36%, with cities in over 40 states representing approximately 40 million households now accepting cartons in their curbside collection programs. Dallas increases these numbers by an additional 235,000 households, and is setting the bar for other cities in the state of Texas to follow suit."

Here's another statistic: "Last year, the City of Dallas recycled more than 50,000 tons of materials and is on track to recycle nearly 65,000 tons this year. Carton recycling will help the city toward their 31% diversion goal for the year. By increasing their recycling rate and coming up with innovative ways to increase waste diversion, the city saved $1,185,260.21 of landfill space."

Keep on being green. Keep on loving the earth. Stay cool, my friends. Peace out.

Enjoy this earth-friendly video by The Fun Theory:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

wanna SAVE MONEY in college???

So...I was surfing the web for ways to save money in college (and btdubs, I'm always looking for ways to save money since I'm a typical "poor" colllege kid), and I came across THIS. I found an interesting way to save some Benjamin bucks (or Washington bucks in my case): GROW YOUR OWN FOOD!

I'm currently on a project to grow basil and tomato plants in my dorm (kinda similar to what that dude in the link does except that I don't really know what hydroponics actually word though). Anyways, I was inspired to grow my own fruits and vegetables thanks to fellow HSUgreenteam member Tay, who grows okra in her bathroom (weird, I know...)!!!

Last weekend, I bought two of these nifty thrifty mini-plant kits from Target in the dolla' section, and currently, my basil plants are doing pretty great! Here's a pic of them awesome shoots:

I'm pretty proud of my basil! I can't wait until the plants are big enough for me to pick of a leaf of basil and chew it for a good five seconds before going out with some friends (for fresh breath right?! or did I mix basil up with mint?)

For all you HSU peeps, DumpDay is on Thursday, May 12, 2011! Basically it will take place on the lawn in front of your dorm, and all you have to do is dump the stuff you don't want to take to your casa at designated DumpZones & the Greenteam will take care of the rest! We will take your paper, plastic, aluminum, furniture, old electronics, and clothes so that they won't end up in some nasty landfill! Por favor/please rinse your containers before recycling them! Let's keep God's creation as clean as a whistle! Check out the vid:

And if you like that vid, you'll love this one even more:

And since I love music way too much (like, it's not even funny), here is earth-lover Jack Johnson singing an awesome earth-lovin' song:

Anyways, I hope you all have a great day, and keep lovin' the earth!

Friday, April 1, 2011

What a Fool!


It was in due time that Friday came. I've had a stressful school week that started off on the wrong foot on Monday morning when I missed my first class. And from that point on, I really had no awareness of what was going on during the week. I felt as if my life was moving faster than physically possibly. The feeling inside of me was one of panic and frustration because I felt that I has no control of what was going on. I had bunches of meetings scattered all throughout the week. I had lots of homework and assignments that I had no idea what the due dates were (whether it was due this week or later weeks to come). And today, I had two tests, both of which I did not actually enjoy. I felt so unprepared and was ready to throw away the stress and toss it out of the window (which is called "defenestration," which is my fancy word of the day).

Anyways, I was uber-happy that today was April Fools Day! I'm a prankster (even though I may not look like one), and I enjoy partaking in the fun of "fooling" others. Today made up for the less than positive days I've had this week. Here are some of the pranks I pulled:

1. Early in the morning, I sent out letters to many of my friends through the post office on campus. I sent myself a letter as well in order to make it look like I was not the culprit of the prank. Inside the letter was lots of confetti and a message that said, "April Fools!" After I had lunch with a friend, we checked our mailboxes, and I opened my letter and feigned surprise as I yelled, "Who sent me this?!" My friend opened her letter, and confetti exploded into her face!!! (The preceding statement actually did not occur in reality. In actuality, the confetti fluttered toward the ground). When I went to work later that day, another one of my friends saw me and knew that the confetti letter was from me because she knew my handwriting. She told her boyfriend this too (and I sent her boyfriend a prank letter as well). Late in the night at the dorm, her boyfriend walked up to me and popped open the letter into my face, causing the confetti to fly all over me. Prank failed. Tip to self: next time, type up the message or don't write in my handwriting.

2. After dinner, I felt like pulling another prank. Around 7 PM, I decided to write on a friend's car with car-friendly window markers. I also wanted to wrap toilet paper all around her car. She was not on campus but at a track meet, so hopefully she'll see her car tomorrow when she gets back. But a couple of friends and I wrote messages on her car with the markers. After that, it was TOILET PAPER TIME! We put toilet paper all around her car, and just as one of my friends was going to put toilet paper in the front passenger seat door handle, the door opened! This was a total surprise to us, and we weren't even expecting that! This made the prank so much more fun because we threw some toilet paper in the car (and then locked the door afterwards). THe last thing we did was wrap toilet paper around the car (we threw the toilet paper roll over and under and around the car, almost like one of those gigantic ribbons on a car given to someone on Christmas day). I can't wait until my friend sees her less-than-clean car. We just added to the mess!

3. I set out to do this prank every April Fools Day: the old put-a-rubber-band-around-the-kitchen-sink-sprayer prank. Since the boys dorm doesn't have a kitchen, I decided to do the prank in the girls dorm (which I planned to do anyways regardless of the boys dorm having a kitchen). After my friend Megan purposely sprayed me while "helping" me put the rubber band around the handle, I set the prank up and was ready for some girl to wash her dishes. A cheerleader, who I have seen around campus before, walked into the kitchen with her bowl of celery, intending to wash the celery (what a healthy snack!). My friends and I were sitting at a table near the kitchen entrance. The cheerleader turned on the water, and I heard her gasp. I immediately started laughing because I knew what happened without seeing her wet shirt. I heard the snapping of the rubber bands as the cheerleader took them off the spray handle. I could not stop laughing (quietly, of course). I walked into the kitchen just as the pranked girl was walking out, and I asked if she got sprayed because I did too (not my by prank, but by Megan's doing). I saw the water spray on the side of her shirt and just smiled. I felt somewhat regretful for what I did, but the prank was totally worth it.

4. Later that night, Megan, her boyfriend Dylon, and I did a series of smaller pranks. On the way back to the boys dorm from the girls dorm, Megan and I were walking on the sidewalk, and I saw the street signs. I posted sticky notes on the "NO PARKING AT ANY TIME" signs so that the "NO" was covered and the sign said "PARKING AT ANY TIME." I also changed the speed limit from the campus' speed limit of 15 mph (which, I believe, no one ever adheres to because I've almost been hit by a speeding car on several occassions) to an incredibly high speed limit of 1 mph. I just stuck a bunch of sticky notes on the sign to cover the 5. Megan and I also posted sticky notes all over the dorm director's door when we got back to the dorm. Dylon joined in on the fun with us when we tagged the dorm director's truck, wrote "ALMOST JUST MARRIED" on the back window, and hung cans attached to string on the back and sides of the truck. We also wrote on the car of our friend Reid and attached a can to his car's antenna. Then we wrote on our resident assistant's Jeep (which was already covered in writing, done by his friend whom we call "Trekkie Love").

And I think those are all of the pranks I was involved in on April Fools Day today. I had a great time pranking and being pranked by others. I was just glad I could relax and have some fun. I survived a stressful week of school, and I needed a break, and luckily, I had some great fun on the best possible day ever! Being a fool is fun and cool! Have some fun before your week is done!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jeopardy: Online College Test

And the Final Jeopardy category is...unknown!!!

I took the Jeopardy test online for college students in hopes of winning an audition to be on the College Tournament series on the popular game show. The test I took was at 8 P.M. Central Time. And all I have to say is that the test was...interesting...and difficult.

At least I thought it was difficult. I felt so unprepared, but I signed up to take the test only a day before the test day. I found out about the online test during a commercial break on TV. And this too was on the day before the test day.

I had a couple of questions before registering to take the test:

1. I am a college freshman, but I am only 17 years old. Did I have to be 18 to take the test? I met the other qualifications to take the college student test, but did I meet the age requirement (which I might not have seen when registering...).

2. During the online test, could a person have searched for the answers on a search engine such as Google? I know you only had 15 seconds to answer a clue, but some people are fast typers, so it was possible that people "cheated" on the test. I am not saying that I did this, but it was a very viable option for many other college students taking the online test.

3. This question also relates to the "during testing" period. Could you get outside help from others? You could have gotten help from parents, friends present with you, friends taking the same test beside you on a different computer, or friends in a different time zone that you could have been talking on the phone or Skype-ing or Oovoo-ing with? I guess it's just a matter of good conscience.

Nevertheless, I felt quite "ignorant" to say the least. I'm not sure how many clues I answered correctly, but I had a very hard time with literature and history clues. I was never good with remembering names and dates and events. I honestly need to work on those areas of learning. I did well with pop culture clues pertaining to movies and sports. But clues in those areas on actual Jeopardy airings are rare and really only appear in the first round. I did well on some science clues, but I just want to know how many clues I got right.

Reflecting on my experience, I just hope that I did well. I know that I will never know how well I did on the online test, but I am hoping that I answered enough clues right to win me an audition to be on the show. If I do make it, I will be very thankful, but I am aware that I will face tough competition. Afterall, I'm only a college freshmen who will be facing intelligent upperclassmen. I'll have a lot of fun on the show and in the competition. I've always wanted to meet Alex Trebek. And I've always wanted to be on the Clue Crew and travel the world. Traveling around the world has been one of my biggest dreams since I was 3 or 4. But anyways, I'm glad I took the online test. I will be prepared next time around when I might take the online test again. I need to brush up in several areas of learning. Taking the online test sped up my heart rate. It was a good rush. I had fun taking the online test! All I can do now is WAIT!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Prayer is good for the heart and soul.

Right now, I would like to send my prayers to Kiefer Holman and the Holman family.

It is just unbelievable. I got a phone call from my friend Dylon yesterday, and he told me that Kiefer went missing in Lake Ray Hubbard when canoeing with a couple friends. It was really windy on Saturday, and the canoe tipped over. Kiefer's friends made it to shore, but there were no signs of Kiefer, so a search party started looking for him. It is now Sunday night, and Kiefer still hasn't been found. I am hoping that he is found alive, but there are no positive signs. I just couldn't help thinking about all the crazy things that have happened to Kiefer in the past couple of weeks.

I went on Facebook today (despite giving it up for Lent) to write on Kiefer's Wall to say that I am praying for him and his family. So many of his friends have done the same. I am continuing to pray for him and his family.

And this one is to you Kiefer:

Even though I didn't know you that well, you seemed like a good kid. A lover of God and life. A good Christian. We are in the same swimming/lifeguarding class, and you always cracked jokes to lighten the mood. I remember you re-telling your longboarding accident and adding some dramatic, crazy parts to the story. Dylon and I were laughing because of the crazy stuff you added to the story, but the others kept listening to you with straight faces, believing that you safely slid under an 18 wheeler before flying off your longboard. Lifeguarding class is going to be different when Spring Break is over and classes start up again. You're a great soccer player as well. I saw you show off some of your soccer skills during Intramural Soccer at HSU. I also think you have one of the coolest names. The name Kiefer reminds me on Kiefer Sutherland who plays Jack Bauer on 24. And Jack Bauer is awesome. Like Chuck Norris. You will be missed by many. You were a positive impact in many people's lives, and you will always remain a positive impact. Enjoy life with God in heaven and watch over your family and friends. You are an adventurer. You were a cool guy, easy to get along with. I am still hoping that you are found alive. But if not, I know that you are enjoying life in heaven with the Almighty Father. God bless, and rest in peace. I will see you one day in heaven.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I'm up really late tonight because I'm having some trouble sleeping, but I was lying down on my bed just thinking about all the fun I have had since the beginning of college. I remember all the friends and memories I made, all the fun I had, and how great I felt inside because I have been blessed by God with this wonderful life.

And right now, at this very moment, I am thankful. Thankful for having God in my life. Thankful for the life God gave me. Thankful that I am alive and breathing. Thankful for a family. Thankful for siblings. Thankful for my parents. Thankful for a big extended family.

Thankful for the ability to love. Thankful in knowing that people love me. Thankful for friends. Thankful in receiving an education. Thankful for going to Hardin-Simmons University. Thankful in knowing that I am at the right school. Thankful for a full-ride scholarship. Thankful for my job. Thankful for being in the Honors Program. Thankful for all the opportunities HSU offers. Thankful for being able to make friends easily.

Thankful for air to breathe. Thankful for food to eat. Thankful for drink to drink. Thankful for the ability to think. Thankful for my brain. Thankful for the ability to use my brain. Thankful for the ability to reason. Thankful for my heart. Thankful for my body. Thankful for my health.

Thankful for the ability to walk and run. Thankful for the ability to climb trees. Thankful for nature and grass and seas and earth and skies and clouds and rain. Thankful for thanksgiving. Thankful for humor. Thankful for the ability to laugh and cry. Thankful for music. Thankful for movies. Thankful for ideas and the ability to form ideas. Thankful for facts and opinions. Thankful for belief and faith. Thankful for doubt. Thankful for grace.

The word "thankful" just looks funny to me now after typing it over and over again, but the thankful feeling I have inside will never die.

I am thankful for everything I have, everything I am, everything I was, and everything I will be.
I thank God for everything because He is the one who has given me all these blessings in life.