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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Coming back home from college was just the best feeling ever! I couldn't wait to see my family! My dad, brother, and sister came to pick me up after classes on Tuesday, and then we headed home. I ate a yummy dinner with them (we had Pho at a Vietnamese restaurant, which I haven't had in a very long time!). I came home and saw my mom and our two dogs. The next day, we put up the lights outside our house and bought a Christmas tree. We decorated the tree with multicolored lights and a bunch of ornaments! On Thanksgiving day, my family ran the Turkey Trot in Dallas with my aunt and three of my cousins! It was super cold that morning, but we all made it! My brother was exhausted because he ran 8 miles while my cousins, aunt, and I only did a 5K. But that was still lots of fun! We went to my cousin's mom's house afterwards and had warm, delicious Filipino food! That wasn't all though! Later that day, we had the actual Thanksgiving get-together at one of my uncle and aunt's house (I guess by now you can tell that I have a pretty big extended family). I ate so much! And the food dishes and dessert were great! I loved my cousin's pumpkin cake (which I actually made for a Christmas party I had tonight in college, and I won a gift card because my dessert was voted best). There was a bunch of "typical" Thanksgiving food like turkey and ham and greenbean casserole (I'm not a big fan), but of course, there were many "non-typical" (I guess "atypical") food dishes. I had at least three full plates of food and dessert! It was greatness! I weighed myself on the scale in the bathroom, and I gained SIX POUNDS that night! I was super happy about this because ever since I went to college, I lost three pounds. So I was glad to have gained that three pounds back plus three more (127 lbs. at the beginning of college -> 124 lbs. during college -> 130 lbs. after the Thanksgiving meal)! And that was probably not all of the weight I gained during the Thanksgiving break! But anyways, I felt so grateful for family and friends and fun and food and festivities and KARAOKE! I'm not sure if this is a Filipino thing or not, but we like to do karaoke at parties! Everyone is encouraged to sing, and I usually sing now (I used to not want to sing). But I think I sound weird when I do karaoke because I don't really like singing with the words on the screen, and sometimes the key of the song is really weird. But Thanksgiving break was just great! I got to spend some well needed time with my family and cousins. We had lots of fun! Black Friday was interesting! Thanks to whoever came up with gift cards because I really don't like spending my own cash! I bought a ton of music CDs and movies on DVD as well as TV show seasons on DVD. That weekend was a lot of fun too! I am just so grateful for everything in my life, and I don't take anything for granted. I thank God for everything I have: family (a BIG one), friends, food, a house, clothes, money, education, ten fingers and ten toes, a love for music, a love for life, and everything else I have! Thanksgiving always puts me in a good mood, and I hope it did the same for you! HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

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