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Monday, May 21, 2012


Hey everybody! I hope you all have been having fun and living life.

I got my wisdom teeth removed last Friday. Fun stuff. What happened afterward was even better.

I wasn't really nervous about getting them removed. Lots of my friends have had theirs taken out, and I knew I had to get my taken out soon because they were causing my teeth to crowd. Stupid impacted wisdom teeth. I probably am going to need some sort of corrective stuff for my teeth, and I am not going back to braces. Bleh. I prepared myself for the removal by watching countless wisdom teeth extraction aftermath YouTube videos, including the classics: David After Dentist and Unicorn After Wisdom Teeth. I enjoyed watching many of Ellen DeGeneres' viewer submitted videos as well as videos of sibling wisdom teeth extraction aftermaths. I didn't think I would ever act like those people, but it would be awesome if that happened.

I remember going into the oral surgeon's office, signing some stuff, and going into the operating room. It was entirely too awkward before the surgeon came into the room because his assistants were just standing near the walls. No talking. Dead silence. And I'm just sitting on the creepy dentist chair looking at all the syringes and needles and drugs and stuff that are just lying on a nearby table. This silence went on for a good five minutes.

Finally the surgeon came in. My blood pressure and pulse were taken. They found a vein to put the IV in (which surprised me because I always have trouble giving blood because they can almost never find a good vein). The last thing I remember being told was, "You'll be out in no time." And I really was out. That stuff works fast! Meanwhile, my mom waited for me in the waiting room where people wait.

I remember being wheeled into another room after my surgery was done, but everything was hazy. I can barely remember trying to pull out my phone from my pocket to videotape myself because I wanted to make one of those "David After Dentist"-like videos. My mom came in the room and waited for me to recover. I'm glad she recorded my craziness. There was at least 40 minutes of quality video of my just rambling on about random things. And the car ride home was fun too. My mom told me I even called one of my friends. I have no recollection of any of this. But I watched all the videos that were taken that day and laughed my butt off. Almost laughed too hard to where the stitches in my mouth came loose. I didn't realize how "pop culture" oriented my rant was. I mentioned many a celebrity. Ellen DeGeneres, Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Alicia Keys. I talked about UNICORNS too. Fun times.

And finally, here is one of the videos from that day:

Enjoy and have a great day! Live life!


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