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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lenten Sonnet #6 + COLDPLAY & PARADISE!!!

How's everyone doing today? I'm going to share a sonnet that I got published in a book called Stars in Our Hearts: Musings by World Poetry Movement. I entered a poetry contest last summer and luckily, my poem was chosen to be in the book. Here it is:

Common Sense (8/30/10)
It is not proof, but it makes sense for us
To hold the door for someone who’s behind.
Do not jump out right in front of a bus.
Surely don’t let the drug mess with the mind.
Please throw away the milk when it goes bad.
Turn off the lights when they are not in use.
Know the difference between mom and dad.
Do not confuse discipline with abuse.
To be funny and then to be a jerk
Is going from friendly to so shallow.
When to sleep, when to eat, and when to work
Are very important for one to know.
But do not keep these “secrets” to yourself,
Please pass the knowledge to somebody else.

I also uploaded a new video to YouTube, but for some reason, it is blocked in 220 countries, including the United States (but good news: it's available in 27 countries). I guess there are some copyright issues because I made a little amateur music video just for fun with Coldplay's song "Paradise" playing in the background. I'm posting it on my blog sometime later on (probably in the summer) because the Internet at my college is pretty slow. Sorry for the inconvenience. If I get to upload it sooner, I'll let you all know!

And here's the video link (public video on Facebook):

Here's the description for the video: "I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen this past weekend. I went on a trip to New Mexico to the Guadalupe Mountains with a group from my college. We visited Carlsbad National Park, Guadalupe National Park, and Slaughter Cave. It was a neat experience. Back to the sunrise, I got up early in the morning, climbed out of my tent, and hiked up a small mountain near the campgrounds. I passed the boundary line and trekked to the top of the mountain. The morning before, I saw a family of white-tailed deer. It was amazing (and it reminded me of "Bambi"). A friend of mine hiked with me up the mountain, but I stayed a little while longer to enjoy God's creation all around me. Watching the sun rise put me in a peaceful, tranquil state. Standing on top of the mountain, I thought of the song "Paradise" by Coldplay. And so I made a little amateur music video."

Have a great day and live life!

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